To begin the search at the start of the document, click here. To begin the search at the current cursor position, click here. To insert a tab character, click here. To insert a line feed character, click here. To insert a carriage return character, click here. Enter the font point size (2-127) you wish to use. A sample of this size text appears below. To close this dialog and ignore changes, click here. To apply this font size to your text selection, click here. Enter the number of spaces per tab. To avoid any tab changes, click here. To replace each tab character with a given number of spaces, click here. To ignore non-printing characters, click here. To delete all non-printing characters (except carriage returns, tabs and linefeeds), click here. Typographic ligatures will be changed to plain characters. To convert typographic ligatures back to ordinary characters, click here. Typographic ligatures will be substituted. To convert 'fi' and 'fl' to their corresponding typographic ligature, click here. Note that some fonts don't include these special characters. Ligatures will be ignored. To avoid changing ligatures, click here. All curly quotes will be changed to plain quotes. To convert all typographer quotes to straight quotes, click here. All quotes will be changed to curly quotes. To convert all straight quotes to typographer quotes, click here. Quotes will be ignored. To avoid altering quotes, click here. A carriage return and linefeed will be added at the end of each line. To insert a carriage return and linefeed after a given number of characters on each line, click here. Words are not split. (This is useful when converting to MS-DOS or BBS text.) A carriage return will be added at the end of each line. To insert a carriage return after a given number of characters on each line, click here. Words are not split. All isolated returns and linefeeds will be removed. To remove all isolated carriage returns and all linefeeds, click here. Double returns (as used to separate paragraphs) are not affected. All isolated carriage returns will be removed. To remove all isolated carriage returns, click here. Double returns (as used to separate paragraphs) are not affected. No line ending modifications. To avoid altering line endings, click here. Enter the maximum line length in characters. Words will not be split. To cancel all modifications, click here. To execute the selected modifications, click here. This is not undo-able. To ignore letters surrounding the desired text, click here. To limit the search to separate words matching the text you have entered, click here. (For example, searching for "rat" would not find "irate"). To ignore capitalization, click here. To limit the search to text that matches the capitalization of the text you have entered, click here. Enter the text you wish to search for. To cancel the search, click here. To search for the desired text, click here.